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FEBS Short-Term Fellowships

1. 5. 2023 Odkaz na mobilitu Cílová skupina: Magisterské studium Doktorské studium
Země: Česká republika Maďarsko Polsko Slovensko Arménie Bělorusko Gruzie Ukrajina Bosnia a Hercegovina Srbsko Německo Turecko Francie Rakousko Izrael Rusko Spojené království Itálie Španělsko Maroko Rumunsko Nizozemsko Belgie Řecko Tunisko Portugalsko Švédsko Švýcarsko Bulharsko Dánsko Finsko Norsko Chorvatsko Moldavsko Litva Slovinsko Lotyšsko Estonsko Kypr Poskytovatel: FEBS
FEBS Short-Term Fellowships are awarded for the purpose of scientific collaboration, advanced training or employing techniques not available at the candidate’s usual place of work. Fellowships are granted for periods of no longer than two or, in exceptional cases, three months. Applicants must have a PhD or at least one published paper as a main author in an international scientific journal. They should normally be scientists who have obtained their PhD degree within the past six years. In order to be eligible to apply for a Short-Term Fellowship, applicants need to be members of a FEBS Constituent Society, to be working in a laboratory in a FEBS country and to be seeking to work in a laboratory in a different FEBS country.