Detail mobility

"Vocation grants" from the Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation

1. 5. 2019 Odkaz na mobilitu Cílová skupina: Magisterské studium Doktorské studium Bakalářské studium
Země: Francie Poskytovatel: Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation
The Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation is a private organization operating in the public interest. Its mission is to encourage vocations of all kinds and to assist young people who, for lack of support, are blocked in their efforts to succeed in their chosen field. “Vocation grants” are intended for young French men and women between the ages of 18 and 30, as well as nationals of other member countries of the European Union of similar age and living in France, who have encountered difficulties in the pursuit of their vocation. The applicant's academic level is not important. The objective of the grants is to encourage and assist young people in their professional, scholarly, or artistic efforts. The Foundation remains in contact with its grantees in order to provide continuing guidance and other support that will encourage the full flowering of each grantee's vocation.